Besides being a ForgeRock partner and an integrator of ForgRock IAM, which is also the only commercial open source identity platform, Icon Technical Group provides all other solutions also based on proven open source technologies that keep development costs low, have a sizeable community support, are performant, responsive and stable.
Open source also provides other key advantages such as being secure, customizable, flexible and interoperable. All these advantages are a perfect illustration of what's known as "Linus' Law," named for Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux. According to that maxim, "Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow." What that means is that the more people who can see and test a set of code, the more likely any flaws will be caught and fixed quickly. It's essentially the polar opposite of the "security through obscurity" argument used so often to justify the use of expensive proprietary products, in other words. Last but not the least, elimination of licensing fees and end to dependency on a specific vendor gives the customer the freedom from proprietary lock-ins.
As popular enterprise Single Sign-On solution, CAS provides a friendly open source community that actively supports and contributes to the project. While the project is rooted in Higher-Ed open source, it has grown to an international audience spanning Fortune 500 companies and small special-purpose installations.
As popular enterprise Single Sign-On solution, CAS provides a friendly open source community that actively supports and contributes to the project. While the project is rooted in Higher-Ed open source, it has grown to an international audience spanning Fortune 500 companies and small special-purpose installations.[Read more...]
Shibboleth is among the world's most widely deployed federated identity solutions, connecting users to applications both within and between organizations. Every software component of the Shibboleth system is free and open source. For more information[Read more...]
Liferay Portal has a modular structure and can be easily adapted to fit in with changes in your institution. The platform offers a wide range of standard functionalities and 300+ plug-ins in the Marketplace. This makes a tailor-made solution possible at lower cost with outstanding ROI. [Read more...]
CAS, are trademarks of Apereo Foundation,Icon Technical Group is not a partner or affiliate, doesn’t have an agency relationship with Apereo Foundation. Shibboleth® is a registered trademark of Internet2®